I've always loved china and glass and staying at home most of the past 15 months has made me love it even more. I've learned to really appreciated the "old" stuff and want now to add more to my bulging collection of elegant glass which I have collected now for over 20 years. I used to attend many of the glass shows around western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia and eastern Ohio but no more. Etsy, Ebay, and referrals from those who collect are good sources. And if you become a collector, create a book collection where you can identify the glass. And the history.....
One of the manufacturers in Pennslyvania, Consolidated, made amazing art deco glass. Vases are what you typically find now, but love this ice bucket. Stunning!
Consolidated is known for this pattern, Dancing Nymphs, and it's hard to find these. You'd have trouble finding enough of these to set a table but this is lovely.
A Dancing Nymph plate. Rare and beautiful.
Morgantown Glass also made some lovely pieces and this manufacturer is easier to find. Their best patterns were made in the 20's, 30's and 40's. Love this pattern, Art Moderne Victoria.
Heisey New Era Glass, very art deco.
Many companies made nude stems and it's tricky to learn how to identify who made the glass. I am not an expert in this area. This is said to be a Cambridge Nude. Cambridge was based in Ohio. Lovely.
H.C. Fry is another company that made elegant glass and Fry is generally hard to find. I have two Fry blue goblets and I'd love to find more but have never seen them since. These green ones are quite lovely and rare:
Fry set up shop in Rochester, PA which is in Beaver County, near Pittsburgh. Incidentally, the famous athlete, Tony Dorsett lived here as did pop singer Christina Aguilera . Fry went bankrupt during the Great Depression after Mr. Fry, the founder, died in 1929. So this glass is old. In 1933 the factory was purchased by Libbey Glass. This emerald color was advertised in 1925. You can date glass by the color. My stems are Delft Blue which was advertised in 1926.
More Fry. Same stem as the green ones above. You can identify old glass also by the stem.