The McDannald family built the original Boxwood homestead and had a son who later operated The Warm Springs Hotel, Warm Springs Pools and formed the company that built the toll road over Warm Springs Mountain and down the valley to Hot Springs. The only remaining Toll House still stands where the old road enters Boxwood's meadows. Dry stack stone walls line the old carriage path in front of Boxwood.
In 1830, the two story log home was covered with clapboard and a wing was added to either side. Boxwoods were planted that gave rise to the farm's name. In 1890 the Ingalls family purchased the house (the Ingalls purchased both the Warm Springs and Hot Springs locations and the hotel in Hot Springs and they brought the railroad to Hot Springs and built The Homestead as we know it today).
Huntington Hartford purchased the house from the Ingalls' family for his bride, Mary Pickford, the movie star and she later married Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Boxwood became one of their homes.
The farm today sits on 43 fenced acres and has an additional 20 acres of woods behind it leading to the George Washington National Forest. A spring exists behind the house. If the walls of Boxwood could only talk! The stories she might tell.
The house is for sale for $2.4M and also boasts a guest cottage, a stable with a five room apartment upstairs. Would make a lovely "hunt box" don't you think? What a lovely example of an old country farm that has been lovingly restored and cared for through the years. Anyone interested?

Boxwood in Bath County Virginia has been transformed. New owners have expanded the Estate to an Expansion. This historical Estate was purchased by a private family. They have given the original home has remained to keep the exterior facade of the Home built for Mary Pickford. undergoing grand plans to redesign, modify and build the additions to seamlessly make the original home appear traditionial to the what at the time was a mansion fitting for any person with wealth. The new additions has brought the historical home to remain the same in appearance. Boxwood is a wonder. Setting back from what’s now a major road to drive by this true Country Estate. The original rock fence line that still stands . The original cabin that was built on the property is still standing and is remarkable. Still showing that history is not bulldozed for develop here. This area is rich in history. Destination in Bath County area is popular for making movies. Summersby, Nell, and others. With some investigating you can find where Nell was filmed. Bring Jodie Foster back to Virginia. The state is rich in panoramic views. Mountain hikes from Engle’s lookout. And walk the many trails to observe nature untouched. Deer and fishing for trout in the calm water or in a swift rolling stream over rocks leads to kyaking. The streams are stock on a schedule to keep the population for sport. The Homestead is transferred to many owners since the Engles. It is now an Omni Homestead and Spa. The also acquired the Hot Spring Pools used by past Presidents. As the pools are know as the Jefferson pools. These historical pools had fallen in disrepair. But the owners and preservationists have totally rebuilt the structures over the spring pools to provide safe use of what Thomas Jefferson said had healing powers. They are open to the public by reservations. So to know and have the ability to see this famous hidden gem that was the sanctuary of the beloved movie stars to be anonymous and live in privacy. The county of Bath has made preservation of the land. It’s a wonderful experience to just see the national forests and the untouched land.seeing undomestic animals and at all times be respected by not interfering in their space. It can be dangerous and deadly. This is still a wonder for such generations who have kept this small resort destination beautiful.