Even some stuff for the man in your life (and we noted the riding boots):
But you'll drool over all of the china (very fine Limoges to more reasonable everyday Juliska, to their fabulous paper products):
Lots of decorative accessories like candles, cache pots, placemats, silverware, of course the napkins, and even lighting:
Last night they hosted a book signing with Charlotte Moss. I wanted so badly to get there and meet Charlotte and buy her book but farm life kept me on the farm, and I just could not get away.
A trip to Caspari is a delight for anyone who loves taking care of their home; a real treat that I save for myself every now and then.

Who knew! I love Caspari and am loving that orange lantern!! Looks like a great store....and didnt know there was one in Paris either. See, always learning something new in blogland!