My friend Molly and I drove to Farmington, one of the most historic country clubs around, for a lecture with Charlotte Moss about her new book. She was wonderful! Being from near-by Richmond she must have felt right at home and talked a bit about visiting the gardens of Jefferson's famed Monticello which is only a few miles away. The book is even better than expected and if you love decorating, gardens, gardening or anything "Charlotte" you need to add this one to your collection. It will take many hours to go through this one, there is a lot of substance here.
The event was sponsored by the Albemarle Garden Club, based in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Here's the book in case you have not seen it. The book is large, the photos are lovely and large and the text has substance which you don't always get in a coffee table book.
There were many vendors, fantastic shopping, very tasteful items ranging from clothes jewelry, art, shoes, needlepoint, lamps, lampshades, pillows, and decorative objects. The themes seemed to be animals, gardens, and flowers. It was crowded so I was not able to get good photos. My friend Nancy came with her Chapel Hill Needlpoint and had some lovely things. She seemed to be selling a lot.
It was nice to see so many well-dressed women in one place. I have not seen this much Ferragamo, Hermes, and Tory Burch in one place in a while.
This was the center table in the room with the vendors. The entire place was dripping with taste.
What a fun day! I wish we could do it all over again!