Utilitarian comes to mind immediately when I think about dressing for a show. In summer it can be brutally hot with no shade. In winter you'll get wind, rain, snow, ice and mud. Even if a show is indoors you still have to get to the indoor arena.
Wear very comfortable shoes. You'll likely walk a lot unless you have your own golf cart. When I go to Ocala I probably walk 5 miles a day easily. Hard soled shoes, no sandals, no open-toe anything. Wear shoes that you can walk in on uneven ground (the ruts made from the tractors can be huge). Paddock boots are great horse show shoes when wearing jeans. If you are wearing shorts you can wear Nike athletic shoes or any brand that allows you to walk a lot.
These shoes from Merrill also will work great for shows.
Bring a sun hat, a baseball cap or a visor. You will most definitely need a hat. The sun can be brutal and there is often little to no shade at these shows.Bring suntan lotion.
If it is really hot you may want to wear shorts. When I want to be a little dressed I wear a Lilly skirt or skort. This Lilly Skort is perfect for horse shows with built in sun protection.
When I am out in the sun a lot I often wear sun shirts. They are comfortable, keep you cool and will protect you from the harmful sun.
Bring a tote bag to carry water. Food at shows can be expensive. You'll also want to carry your suntan lotion. And because horse shows can be long and boring, bring a good book or better yet a needlepoint project.

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