These plates are made by Ballard and are very Spode-like even though they are made in China. They come in sets of four and while not terribly expensive, they are a bit pricey for plates that are, well, made in China. See them here. You can use these starting in fall through the entire winter season.
(Into the Woods accent plates)
These are also at Ballard and are more festive. They also come in sets of four. I pull my holiday dishes out after Thanksgiving and use them through January. These would be cute paired with plaid dinner plates or chargers. See them here.
(Yuletide Dessert Plates)
These Gold Cheetah Dessert Plates are quite versatile and could be used for many months. If these go with your decor, these would be a nice addition to your collection. Also from Ballard. See them here.
(Cheetah Dessert Plates)
These Pottery Barn salad plates are adorable and will work well with plain white dishes. Pottery Barn is a great source for seasonal dishes. See these here.
If vintage is your taste then you'll love these dishes from Johnson Brothers which remind me of my grandmother's dishes. See them here.
These accent plates from Lenox will also work well with white dinner plates:
These Cynthia Rowley melamine plates are so fun and perfect for a party. They come in sets of 4 and at the price, you can buy as many sets as you want. See them here.
I love these holiday animal plates. Pair them with plaid dinner plates for a festive look. See them here.
Juliska is one of my favorite brands for dinnerware and I love their Reindeer Games plates. Perfect for a party! See them here.
You can also buy these in sets of four in case you don't need twelve:
I have one set of these and use them all of the year. See these here.
You can also buy the Reindeer Plates in the Solo Sport pattern. Love this! See them here: