I started with this rug which is on order as the one I bought is too small. It's a wool Ikat, with blues and beige, no green. I am usually a green person so this is a new direction. But I love the rug.
My sofa will be recovered in a deep blue velveteen. It's a slate blue, not navy. It is called Ocean.
This check will go on a chair and ottoman.This Clarence House embroidered fabric will be on sofa pillows and on the seats of two chairs. Love this! Every room needs some whimsy.
My windows need to be covered, too much morning sun. And there are four of them, nine foot ceilings. Read lots of money and lots of fabric.
I am thinking that I like these chairs but will paint them to go with the Clarence House fabric. That's the current plan anyway. I cannot order these any longer. I want a pair and I like the size and they are comfortable. I wanted some painted furniture in the room too. Too much brown wood makes for an ugly room. I will use glass garden stools to accent but that's after everything else is in place. I have a lovely painting for the mantel and there will be to television here.
Need two lamps for the sofa end tables. Like all of these:
The windows are a big dilemma. I must be able to cover the windows. Roman shades are an option and also drapes with woven shades but I need a ton of fabric for four windows. So I may opt for the Roman Shades. Walls - not sure of the color yet, maybe a very pale blue.
Stay tuned!