Sega is back.
I retired her in the summer of 2010 as she was not up to par and then took her out in the spring of 2011 when Alfie got hurt just to have something to ride. Indeed, she was not ready the throw the towel in and she got better and better as the year went on. Am keeping my fingers cross that my 18-year old mare will still have some more tri-colors and coolers in her future. So far so good. What a gift!Truman
Truman joined the family in the fall of 2010 after Carver died. We got him from the local SPCA, and he would have been snuffed along with his sisters, so we helped save a wonderful animal. He has become such a fixture around here and despite a few rough patches late this year with health problems, he is back to his old self. He brings more joy to this house, and I could not imagine being here without him. Keep it up gray boy! Being Healthy
Unfortunately I know too many young people that are not healthy. Even money cannot buy good health. My friends with ALS and MLS know this all too well. And those who are overweight sometimes don't realize the health risks associated with being too heavy and diabetes. One friend lost part of his leg last week. Another had a heart attack but can't be operated on because his kidneys are too weak (all due to diabetes). Take care of yourself. We exercise all the time around here. A healthy active lifestyle is just a requirement for good health. You have to make it a part of your life. It is part of ours! We are healthy and hope to stay that way and for that we are thankful.
The Other Man in My Life
My husband kids me that he competes with the other "men in my life" noteably Alfie and Truman. But I think he knows he is numero uno around here. I am blessed. He is just a one in a million.
The Country Life
I am thankful to live in the country, where nature and being outdoors is part of our everyday routine. The views of the mountains, the sunrises, the sunsets, the simplicity of it all is breathtaking. You don't need a television, a computer, a video game or a shopping mall here to make life complete.
Enjoy the waning days of 2011. Have a happy and healthy 2012.