Monday, February 3, 2020

Tradition Never Died

I am loving all of the chatter about "tradition" and "pretty and proper" going on right now after the spectacular success of the recent Mario Buatta auction. One of my favorite blogs, "The Glam Pad" goes all out in this regard.  But newsflash - some of us never ever strayed from our roots.  We never replaced our "brown furniture" with Ikea and Pottery Barn cheapness.  We never quit using our grandmother's silver and china, and aghast, we still have our Waterford crystal.  Old tattered oriental rugs still adorn some of our floors.  And we have been doing needlepoint since we were six years old!

This is a great book by the way, if you don't own it.  See it here.

Another book to add to your library is this one if you can find it:

I drove by Mirador yesterday, just outside of Charlottesville, and was reminded, yet again, that good taste and tradition are timeless.  Do you think this house will ever be "out of style?"  This was Nancy Lancaster's childhood home, where she lived before she moved to the UK.  Mario Buatta was a friend.  She was what we'd call "proper" and "timeless" here in the South.  It looks fabulous today.  I would love to see it inside.

Some of us never strayed from our roots.  We love our needlepoint rugs, our Herend china, our grandmother's mahogany sideboard, our linen placemats and napkins (that yes, we have to hand wash and iron after every use). We've known all along that some things are worth working for, keeping, and tradition is important.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how all of a sudden Tradition is "in" again?? Like you, I've never strayed, either..

    And additional good news: many people (the decorating experts,again) have been saying that the newer generations aren't interested in antiques.. Well, when I go into antique stores I see men and women in their 20's and 30's looking at and buying traditional antiques.. So that's another falsehood.

    Good style never goes out of style..


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