Read More Books
I got very lazy this year about reading and my reading stash beside my bed will soon be taller than my bed so reading almost every night is going to be something I plan to work on. I will count the number of books I read this year.
This one is on my list. I heard an interview with the author recently on NPR. The author is a lawyer, the step-son of the individual who supposedly drove Hoffa to his death in 1975. Sounds like a great read.
Eat a Plant-Based Diet
Our eating habits are killing us and our planet. Just look around - everyone is fat and many are obese. It is killing us. We eat too many processed food and too much meat (chicken, beef, pork) and I detest the way chickens are raised in large CAFOs (it is beyond inhumane). Quit buying chicken unless you know it was raised cage-free. But our planet cannot sustain our American eating habits. So I am making a huge effort in 2020 to eat a more plant-based diet and to cut out processed foods almost completely. Sugar should also go but that's not a huge issue for me.
You can read about how to "cut the cord to the American way of eating badly here.
In 2020 Alfie and I will concentrate more on equitation. We need a new goal and this will give me something to work towards and it will make me a better rider on Madison. Equitation is where they judge the rider and not the horse - my form on the flat and over fences. We have our work cut out for us.
Work on the Small Details at Home
It's all in the details - a well-kept house, a neat yard, fresh flowers, fine sheets on the bed, a tidy kitchen, nice lampshades....... the quality of everyday life needs to improve. And it's the small things every day - like staying in a nice hotel where they think of everything.....
Live By These Words
Hoping that 2020 is a fabulous new year full of pleasant surprises and unexpected treasures. Thank you for reading HCC!