Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4th Memories - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Fourth of July is a bi-polar holiday in my book. Good things and bad things have happened during this holiday weekend, always to the extreme.  On a positive note, Sega was born on July 5th and we will help her celebrate her 26th birthday tomorrow with Altoids and carrots - her favorites.  She seems to be doing well for her age and has had a good summer (no founder episodes so far).

This photo is from State College, PA, one of my favorite horse show venues. We used to show there every year.  Some of my fondest memories with her are here.  There used to be three back-to-back shows starting in late June and so many July 4ths were spent here.  We stayed at the Autoport, a darling hotel not far from the Penn State campus. 

One year that stands out, when trainer Laura Pickett was still with us, makes me smile even now. Sega was on her A game but she was getting really top ribbons perhaps when we should not have.  This happens of course in the hunters and it's nice when it's your turn.  She won almost every class and I remember when we got to the second round of the hunter classic, I remember Laura telling me in her own way that I wasn't going to win this one. But we did win. I was a bit embarrassed because we really should not have won but perhaps it's payback when you don't get ribbons when you should have. This photo of a photo is from that weekend.Sega is braided in red, white and blue yarn.  It's one of those shows you'll never forget.  Sega also loves to suck her tongue after a few Altoids, as she's doing in this photo.  She still does that. She always wanted to win!

A not-so-fond memory of July 4th was seven years ago when I had a terrible accident on the night of July 4th.  My ulna was shattered just above the wrist after being kicked (or really the horse bucked and I was too close) but I could have been killed and quick reflexes saved me as my left arm shielded my face and took the brunt of the kick.  It took three surgeries over a period of almost two years to get back to a somewhat normal existence.  It was a long haul, many months of physical therapy, long periods where I could not ride or do barn chores.  At one point I had to board the horses for several months at a nearby farm but we somehow managed to get through it.

And yesterday adds yet another bad July 4th to my list.  I got up early and after doing my barn chores and went to pick up a load of hay. On the way back, a reckless driver hit me going at least 60 miles an hour in a 35 mph zone around a turn on a country road and totaled my truck. It was a terrible day.  No more horse showing this season most likely. 

Hoping that you have a better holiday weekend than what we are experiencing here in Virginia.  The Met Mile is later today at Belmont Park.  It should be a good race. Watch it!  Stay home please!  Stay safe and please wear a mask if you go out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Ann. Thank God you are ok! Sounds like a horrible day. Take care!


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