Thursday, June 20, 2013

Momma April?

Baby April has been through the ringer the past few years and now at age 7 she may become "Momma April" sooner than we anticipated.  Her soundness issues have ended her brief competitive career (the photo above was taken at her second of only two horse shows in 2010) but now she may have a career as a broodmare.   There have been many blog posts about the Baby April saga.

This is Baby April at about 5 months. Was she not a doll?  She was big even then.  But today the vet came out for Alfie's insurance exam and we talked about breeding April.  Long story, we checked her out, she is maiden you know, and guess what, she was ready!  So either tomorrow or Saturday, we'll take the first step in the process and see what happens.  We may be having a baby!!!!  Here is April last summer when she was sound, briefly....

Here is Daddy, aka Empire's Power.

The great thing is that my vet is his vet, my farrier is his farrier and he lives about an hour north.  We should get a smaller (fingers crossed, but not too small) horse, we hope, and lots of chrome.  Probably will be bay but we could get chestnut.  We may go visit him in early July.  How exciting is this?  Stay tuned........


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