Monday, March 16, 2020

Working From Home From a Work From Home Veteran

I am a serial telecommuter. As someone who has not worked from an office since 2000 except for one year, I have learned to embrace the art of working from home. It takes a little getting used to and you must be self-disciplined, but you too can learn to love it.  I would not trade my work-at-home-life now in any way.  But it can get lonely and you have to work at it. 

1) Set up a dedicated office
This may not be possible but if you can, have an established office area.  I have a cozy office, upstairs, near the master bedroom and bath.  It's lined with my books, horse photos, trinkets that remind me of special places and people. It's cozy, I have a window and an upper deck. In warm weather I can sit on the deck and take calls.  You can't work from home in the middle of a busy kitchen.

2) Have a schedule
You need to set a routine that you follow and the great thing about working from home is that you can put things in place like a run at lunchtime, a trip to the grocery or even a ride on a horse if you work to your schedule. My schedule changes a bit depending on the time of year.  Once it gets warm I ride in the early morning and am usually at my desk by 8:45 am.  Right now I am at my desk earlier but take a break from 8:30 to 9:00 to feed and turnout my horses. 

3) Get out if you can
There have been times when I would go to lunch every day just to get out of the house.  While I realize this may not be possible right now, every now and then I head to Wendy's for lunch just to get out.  If you live in the city, take a walk when you need to take a break. 

4) Don't wear your pjs
While I don't dress for work I do get dressed every morning, often in my Ariat tops, Kerrit's riding pants (this time of year), warm socks and comfortable shoes.

5) Other tips
I have a standing desk as I don't like sitting for eight hours a day. I also have a place where I can sit an work if I choose to.  The standing desk was a life-changer and I would recommend it to anyone who works from home long-term.  I also keep a small heater at my feet so I am very toasty.  When it's tennis season I listen to the radio and catch all the Grand Slam matches.  I also listen to NPR and classical music. Why not create a nice ambiance for your home office?

When life throws us lemons, make lemonade!  Stay safe.  Stay home.  This is not a hoax! 

1 comment:

  1. I noticed the cat treats on the shelf. Do blog about the feline influence in your life.


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